Sunday, February 2, 2025

W.E. Vine On Adoption vs. Birth

Said Vine (emphasis mine):

"In Ephesians 1:5 they are said to have been foreordained unto "adoption as sons" through Jesus Christ, RV; the AV, "adoption of children" is a mistranslation and misleading. God does not "adopt" believers as children; they are begotten as such by His Holy Spirit through faith. "Adoption" is a term involving the dignity of the relationship of believers as sons; it is not a putting into the family by spiritual birth, but a putting into the position of sons. In Romans 8:23 the "adoption" of the believer is set forth as still future, as it there includes the redemption of the body, when the living will be changed and those who have fallen asleep will be raised. In Romans 9:4 "adoption" is spoken of as belonging to Israel, in accordance with the statement in Exodus 4:12, "Israel is My Son." Cp. Hosea 11:1. Israel was brought into a special relation with God, a collective relationship, not enjoyed by other nations, Deuteronomy 14:1; Jeremiah 31:9, etc." (Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words)

God is my real Father, not my adopted Father. I am his by a birth. My "son placement" will be my "Bar Mitzvah" at the time of the second coming and resurrection, when I will become "full grown," perfected and mature, and given my adult responsibilities and privileges. It will be that "time appointed by the Father" for me to be no longer a child under tutors and governors, but will become fully as my Father. (See Gal. 4)

As I showed in my series on "the huiothesia," that term does not denote "adoption" but son placing. I showed how many ancient cultures had a "rite of passage" for boys who exited childhood and entered into manhood. The Jews had the Bar Mitzvah and the Romans had the Toga ceremony. In these the boy is "placed" or "set" at the side of the father and given the emblems of manhood. This is what will happen to those born of God when Christ returns and we experience all that is connected with "the redemption of our bodies."

For further information on this see my posting "Teknon, Huios & Huiothesia" (here).


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